The Year so far
The year has been fairly normal. Dry summer hampered end of winter season playing surfaces repair work. Jordans, our maintenance contractors have continued to provide a good result within their time/contract restrictions and our current lack of irrigation facilities.
Recent increased wear and tear on the artificial pitch has been noticed, probably occasioned by use of unsuitable footwear for such playing surfaces. Correction procedures must be followed, otherwise the playing surface will not last its expected lifetime. ONLY PLAYERS are ALLOWED on the PLAYING SURFACE.
What to expect
We have to manage the ground for ALL USERS and for their long term benefit. We currently manage the grass to maximum beneficial effect, but the reality is that we are running at FULL CAPACITY.
Weather often causes difficulties; no rain and the grass does not grow. Too much rain leads to cancellations and increased wear and tear on the grass pitches.
BIFC are working to replace the vandalised dugouts.
Watering system - the only way to enhance the wearability and quality of the grass playing surfaces is to improve the turf and the key is WATER. We already invest heavily in dressing the field and re-seeding. Only regular and consistent watering will ensure that this investment consistently enhances the turf. Our friends at Trinity Fields have installed a bore hole and watering system to great effect. We are going to get a consultant to look at this for us.