The Springfield Project
The Car Park: Child and Pedestrian Safety - Access to the Club and Grounds
We either need to move pedestrian access to Burntwood Lane or to build a protected pathway through the car park. This needs the pedestrian gate (currently on the left) to be on the right of the main gate. We can then put a barrier throught the car park to provide a safer walkway. In the interim the Junior Rugby section are controlling the car park on Sunday mornings.
Fencing between Main Gates and storge yards
The Main Gates - to refit pedestrian gate on right side and install a protective walkway from the pedestrian gate to the field entrance.
Completing the fence - gap between main gates and storage yard
Cycle Parking - either in Car Park or near the kitchen
Ball Courts renovation
Watering Systems - the field desperately needs regular grass growth throughout the growing season. Only given enough regular water will we get predictable use and increased wear and tear out of the field. We therefore need a bore hole as mains water is expensive and our current supply has inadequate bore and pressure.
The storage yards - planning and provision of new storage buildings and getting all the stuff moved into the yards.
Security - CCTV and Access Control - for many reasons CCTV coverage combined with electronic access to all areas of the house and grounds would both improve security and enhance our ability to manage the grounds.
Flat access - The existing walkway across the roof needs upgrading or replacing with an improved capability
Fire safety upgrades
Kitchen and catering - equipment and space
Main hall sliding dividers
Other possible developments
NEW CLUB HOUSE: We would all love to have a brand new club house, probably right on the corner of Burntwood Land and Openview. This is a major undertaking and will require a huge effort. Roughly speaking the steps are:
1. Update existing needs analysis with fresh section consultation
2. Outline design
3. Outline planning
4. Raise around £3M
5. Detailed Plans and costings
6. Planning permission
HELP - If you have professional skills and/or raw enthusiasm for a major long haul project (the AGP took 10 years) then please do let Toby Wait know you can help.